Definition of Virgin Mary

1. Noun. The mother of Jesus; Christians refer to her as the Virgin Mary; she is especially honored by Roman Catholics.

Exact synonyms: Blessed Virgin, Madonna, Mary, The Virgin
Generic synonyms: Jewess, Female Parent, Mother
Derivative terms: Marian

2. Noun. A Bloody Mary made without alcohol.
Exact synonyms: Bloody Shame
Generic synonyms: Bloody Mary

Definition of Virgin Mary

1. Proper noun. Term used by some Christian denominations to refer to the mother of Christ. ¹

2. Noun. A drink made with tomato juice and spices, resembling a Bloody Mary, but without alcohol. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Virgin Mary

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Virgil Thomson
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Virgin Islander
Virgin Islands
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Virgin Mary
Virgin Marys
Virginia Beach
Virginia McMath
Virginia Wade
Virginia Woolf
Virginia bluebell
Virginia chain fern
Virginia cowslip
Virginia creeper
Virginia crownbeard
Virginia deer
Virginia fence
Virginia ham

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